And I tried fulfilling that fantasy with Photoshop. But I'm afraid that my skills are still not advanced enough to make him look good.
Here is the result from 7 hours of Photoshop:
I completed this like on Tuesday or Wednesday when I was supposed to be doing my mountain of work.Ah, procrastination...
Then on Friday, I started my OWN avatar. It took me around 5 hours in total; I did not sit 5 hours straight though.
And here is the original (thank you, Bob, for taking this picture of me in raw format, hehe - it makes it much easier to edit that way):

Well, it was really difficult for me not to change so much. But, I kept making mistakes so that lead me into using the smudge tool. Alot.
Plus, they probably look like paintings now instead of the real thing but I did that on purpose to hide my countless errors during the process of making them. Hehe.
Anyway, at least I tried! :P
I hope you were entertained by my failure.