WOW. Today was even MORE interesting than yesterday's session. This time, I went on for 6 hours and so far, the three most common nationalities I have talked to are French, Greek and American (in this order). Yeah, I know, why are there so many French people on Chatroulette?? I thought they had better things to do. Like visit the Eiffel Tower or something.
Anywayyy, here are the most 'interesting' people I met on Day 2 of Chatroulette:
The Rapper:

It seemed like he worked really hard on his rap song, and even though I'm not a big fan of rap I listened till he was finished. Because he did a great job, I rewarded him by showing my boobs. :D
The people who were nice enough to pose for me:

The people who think they can sing; the mask wearer; the hottie:

The Creepies aka the American redneck; the dude with the creepy crooked smile; the guy who f*cks teddy bears:

The OMG-isn't-that-oh-wait-nevermind people:

Yes, that IS Justin Bieber, but I found out on Youtube that the recording was taken from an old Ustream vid. And the guy on the right is supposed to be 'Almost Brad Pitt', which I only realized when editing this blog.
The okay people

The people who should NOT go on Chatroulette EVAR aka the people who are working; kids; the hairies

Seriously, wtf are LITTLE KIDS WITH TEDDY BEARS doing on Chatroulette?!?! Oh, and, ugh, the hairy dude on the right just kept rubbin' his tummy and rolling the hairs between his fingers. Sloowwllyy. BLEGHH.
Now off to sleep! Gnite :)