After a while of nexting black screens and neked people, I came across this guy. I didn't know what he was doing, hence the weird/confused expression on my face, because he was just sitting there pretending he was a viscous, rabid squirrel or something. So I nexted him.

I started getting bored of Shufflepeople because there weren't as many crazies on there than there are on Chatroulette so I decided to switch to that instead and the FIRST person that I see is this guy:
If only it were real and not from his computer effects.

I started getting bored of Shufflepeople because there weren't as many crazies on there than there are on Chatroulette so I decided to switch to that instead and the FIRST person that I see is this guy:

Last, but DEFINITELY not least, I changed back to Shufflepeople because CR had too many dicks that day that even I couldn't stand it. Lol, jkjk :P
Anywayyy, yeah, neither of us said anything (well, he obviously didn't because he wasn't at the computer) but he just stood there moving his hips around in a Tarzan loin cloth. YES. A TARZAN COSTUMEE. I didn't hear any music but he clearly had a beat and was tapping his hands and feet. However, after about 15 seconds he slowly put his hands under the piece of cloth and that was my cue to hit NEXT.

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