Went to watch Toy Story 3 today with Archana (OMGOMGOMG ITWASSOGOODITOTALLYCRIEDINTHEENDITWASSOSAD) and because we can really relate to Andy and how he has to take a turning point in his life and leave his childhood behind including all his toy friends, the timing of the movie coming out was perfect for us, since we just graduated last month. After the movie, we walked around looking for costumes/masks/wigs and such to prepare for our Chatroulette night. We went to the toy store (ironic isn't it?) and I got me a pair of these awesome pawesomes:

And when you turn it at another angle, it winks!

So I decided to test 'em right after I got home. And, man, I really love making people smile, hahaha.

Went on CR again that night:

Thank you to these people for giving me a thumbs up!:

Finally, a special thanks to this guy for being the nicest and showing me his homemade 3D glasses and wearing 'em :) Shout outs to Estonia!

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